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Design industriel


In order to design a product that is relevant to its market, the first step is usage analysis. It is important to know the end user and their expectations, but also in certain cases, the structure which will implement the product (e.g. transport company, community), and the framework of use. We often think we know how the product will be used, often by habit or because other products already meet the market we are targeting. When we push the usage analysis a little, avoiding the phrase: “we’ve always done it like that!” ", then, we discover many points which have been neglected over time, so that the end user only had to adapt to what existed, due to the lack of a well-targeted offer.


Then imagine the strength of a product compared to its competition, when it exactly meets the uses.


Finally conceptualized, the new product must be feasible. Then comes the general architecture which will determine the feasibility of the project and begin an optimization by integrating the constraints of manufacturing, energy, costs…


I act either at the start of the project or throughout the design cycle and the optimization loops which will bring the feasibility of the product closer to its use.



When we speak about  visual identity, we often think of logo. But the image of the product itself, its shape, its colors, also contribute to the visual identity. Just as we do not design a monastery in the same way as a holiday resort or a supermarket, this set of design elements, sometimes subjective, are real vectors of communication and information on uses. and product goals.


Once the preliminary stages are advanced and a digital model is available (often simplified at first), we can rely on digital imaging to put the product into practice. We will then begin to project ourselves into what the final achievement will be. At this stage, the digital image allows the visual identity to evolve so that it fits with the objectives. A little later, when the product is more complete and the digital model is more detailed, the digital image will be more realistic and will serve as a communication tool, waiting for a mockup or a physical prototype. Equipped with specific tools and experienced in geometry transfers between the world of industry and that of film or video games, I produce your images at all stages of the project.

TILT FAN 011.jpg
IHM SC4.jpg


The usage approach is also available in the MMI. It is this interface that will allow the product to be fully integrated into its human environment. I then act on the physical ergonomics, but also the design of the applications on the screen, so that the relevant information is directly accessible to the user.

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